Background Story at Beijing Minsheng Art Museum


The exhibition, New Ink Art in China: 1978 - 2018, sponsored by Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, opens on December 18, 2018. The exhibition presents over 200 works from more than 180 artists, including Xu Bing's Background Story: Thousand Li of River and Mountain. The exhibition runs from December 18, 2018 to February 23, 2019 and is free to the public.

New Ink Art in China: 1978 - 2018

Duration: December 18, 2018 — February 23, 2019

Location: Beijing Mingsheng Art Museum Hall 1/2/3, Beijing, China

Opening Ceremony (Invitation Only): December 18, 2018 at 3:00 PM 

Media Preview: 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM 
